Posts tagged "UnB"
Nelson Maravalhas JuniorNelson Maravalhas JuniorNelson Maravalhas JuniorNelson Maravalhas Junior

Nelson Maravalhas Junior

Professor at the University of Brasília UNB since 1987. PhD in Theory and Art History at the University of Kent at Canterbury (England) and MFA at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (USA). Held over 13 solo exhibitions in different institutions and galleries, among them the following are particularly notable: Superior Street Gallery...
Gê Orthof

Gê Orthof

  Petrópolis, Río de Janeiro 1959, Brazil. Lives in Brasilia. Professor at the Departament of Visual Arts and the Postgraduate Arts Program of the Institute of Arts at the University of Brasilia, where he leads a research group in Comntemporary Poetics of the Inner House. Postdoctoral in Installation and Performance at the School of the...
Entre dos paisatgesEntre dos paisajesEntre duas paisagensBetween two landscapes

Between two landscapes

What can be in common between two cities so different as the modern and utopian Brasília and the historical Barcelona? Between the first, where one can only move by car and the second, where walking is the best way to get from one point to another, one would be tempted to  say nothing. However, putting...
Converses: Leopoldo WolfConversaciones: Leopoldo WolfConversas: Leopoldo Wolf

(CAST) Conversaciones: Leopoldo Wolf

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Converses: Insulares 1959Conversaciones: Insulares 1959Conversas: Insulares 1959

(CAST) Conversaciones: Insulares 1959

CONVERSES A PARADIGMES és un enregistrament en vídeo de trobades amb artistes i comissaris que desenvolupen projectes a PARADIGMES. La primera entrega són els testimonis de Gê Orthof i Teresa-M. Sala. Una producció de Rodrigo Roal.CONVERSACIONES EN PARADIGMAS es un registro en vídeo de encuentros con artistas y comisarios que desarrollaron proyectos en PARADIGMAS. La...

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